RC nitro car maintenance is the one thing you can do to extend the overall life of your car. This is where the Must have RC Tools come in handy.
Engine Maintenance – RC Nitro Car Maintenance
After each run, one of the easiest things to do for a nitro engine is be sure when the engine comes to rest, that the piston is not in the Top Dead Center of the stroke. Rotating the flywheel so that it rests in the location where you feel the least amount of resistance will ensure that the engine is in the correct position. When the Engine is spun and resistance can be felt, this suggests that the piston is approaching, at or moving away from its Top Dead Center location. This will insure that there is no extra stress on the piston and liner between the times of running the engine. This location is commonly refered to as the “pinch.”
Keeping the engine in the best condition possible is important for maximum lifespan. This mainly deals with long term storage for the nitro engine. Or when it will not be run for at least 5 days. At this point it is required to remove the glow plug of the engine. Insert a product called after run oil. It only takes a few drips. As a substitute many use automatic transmission fluid. Rotate the engine by either pulling the pull starter 2-3 times or running an electric starter for a second or so. This will ensure the oil makes its way to all components with in the engine.
Drive Line Lubrication – RC Nitro Car Maintenance
It’s a very good idea to put some Lubricating Oil around the drive line components. Examples include the ends of the dog bones, receiver caps, suspension pivoting points etc. Just keep in mind dirt will stick to any type of oil. Use in very low volumes or quantities. It is preferable to place only a drop or two of Hoppe’s No. 9 Lubricating Oil, or similar.
Check Over all Fasteners – RC Nitro Car Maintenance
Look over all fasteners on the boat after every run. Make certain they are all tight. If you have any issues keeping a screw tight and it does not need to be removed frequently, permanent Loc-Tite can be used. If the fastener must be removed frequently, a nylok nut should be used. If the screw is going in to a machined part and must be removed frequently, temporary Loc-Tite can be used.
If you have used Loc-Tite and it must be removed, heat will break down the bonds and allow the fastener to be removed