Check your unit of measurement correctly below.
Maximum (Straight Out) Flight Distance Calculator
Required Drone Flight Time
Maximum RC Drone Flight Distance
To calculate maximum flight distance to a straight line destination using the RC drone calculator, use the first calculator titled Maximum Destination Flight Distance Calculator.
Enter the maximum speed of the drone in km/h, followed by the maximum flight time at this speed in minutes. Next enter the wind speed in km/h followed by the wind direction. The wind direction is to be entered from the perspective of your flight out to your destination. When complete, select Calculate!
The RC drone calculator will then compute the Drone Flight Speed to your destination and return speed. Maximum flight distance out from your drone home point and approximate time when you reach max distance and must return home.
Required RC Drone Flight Time to a Known Distance
To calculate the required drone flight time at the maximum speed of your drone with a known travel distance using the RC drone calculator, use the second calculator titled Required Drone Flight Time.
In this calculator, you have 2 options depending on if you know wind speed or the speed your drone is traveling at due to wind speed.
Option A – Enter in the maximum drone speed and drone speed that you are traveling to your distance due to wind differences. The next two boxes disappear and lastly enter in the required straight line travel distance in meters. Then select Calculate!
Option B – Enter in the maximum drone speed in km/h and the wind speed in km/h as well as the wind direction relative to traveling to your destination. Once complete the speed to destination box disappears as it is not required. Then hit Calculate!
The RC drone calculator computes the time to destination, return flight time, total flight time, wind speed, speed to destination and return flight speed.
All dimensions and parameters are entered in metric units.
Flight direction is always straight out and straight back in.
Cross winds are not considered, only upwind and down wind.
Max Flight speed of the RC drone is constant through the flight.
Max wind speed is never exceeded throughout the flight.