Ryan Trautmann

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  1. Measuring Speed for all RC Models — 5 Comments

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What are Droop Screws, How do they Work?

RC (Radio Controlled) cars have come a long way since their inception and are now more sophisticated and technologically advanced than ever before. Many enthusiasts are always looking to fine-tune their vehicles for maximum performance on the track. This is to of course remain competitive against others. One of the key components that can greatly …

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What is PWM in an ESC? How does an ESC Work?

Electronic speed control (ESC) is an essential component of any RC vehicle that uses an electric motor. An ESC regulates the power delivered to the motor to control the speed and direction of the vehicle. ESCs are widely used in radio-controlled cars, drones, and other similar applications. In this blog post, we will discuss in …

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Does Higher Motor Kv Produce More Power?

In the world of RC, motor Kv is one of the most well known specification for those who build. Chances are, if you’re building an RC vehicle, you’re going to come across this term at some point. It is also safe to assume that most of us know that more power will equate to more …

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LEGO Passenger Train Converted to RC using RC Hobby Grade Components ( Full Proportional control )

I don’t know what it is but there’s something in me that will just not allow anything to remain in stock form. This includes the LEGO Passenger Train. The LEGO Train is a great toy for younger kids really exposing them to many different useful life skills. They learn to read instructions and convert this …

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What RC LiPo Manufactures Don’t Want YOU to Know

C Rating of a LiPo Battery In a previous article we talked about how the highest C rating has so many benefits that it makes it well worth it. However, because of all of these benefits, some LiPo manufactures use the C rating as not just a performance specification but more as a marketing tactic. …

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