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- Measuring Speed for all RC Models — 5 Comments
On an RC car there are many components that you can fine tune to see optimal performance for your application. Tuning the suspension setup is just one of those items that should be considered when going for optimal performance. The suspension consists of a handful of different areas that can be fine tuned. If on …
In many applications of radio controlled vehicles, the brushless motor may come in contact with water. This could be as significant as being even fully submerged. Some manufactures of radio controlled vehicles advertise right on the box that the RC inside is waterproof. What does this mean? Is the brushless motor in the vehicle really …
The carbon cub was designed to run 6s. After all, this thing has a 2.1m (84in) wingspan. However, the airplane is also designed to operate on 4s and as such is advertised as 4s-6s. With this said, does 4s have enough power to get the E-Flite 2.1m Carbon Cub off the water? While on 6s …
The most important tool that every RC Electric Hobbyist must own is a temp (temperature) gun of some sort! You ask why? Well it will save you lots of money, that is why. It doesn’t matter if you build your RC models or don’t. Having a temp gun in your toolbox will certainly help out. …
Most hobbyists who operate electric RC vehicles understand that motor timing can be controlled. The questions is how many actually change the timing of their setup? If you haven’t already read the article on timing, click the link to view the article. Do you have to change timing? The short answer to this question is …