Does an RC Motor and ESC provide Regenerative Braking

Many RC ESC’s have an electronic brake function to slow down the motor where and when required. For RC Cars this is extremely important as the guys exceeding 100mph would be in the next city without brakes. For airplanes that can cruise back down from a high altitude with no throttle input, a drag brake stopping or slowing the propeller can help increase the glide ratio allowing the plane to glide further. The big question is if the ESC is able to take this energy and use it to charge a battery through regenerative braking.

Regenerative Braking RC ESC and Motor Setup
Regenerative Braking RC ESC and Motor Setup

You can watch this video below or skip down below the video for the answer and explanation.

First we will understand how the ESC is able to slow the motor down.

How the ESC slows the Motor down Applying Brakes

The best way to see for yourself how an ESC slows down a motor is to grab a brushless motor and use alligator clips to short out the 3 leads to one another. With the leads all shorted, rotate the motor by hand quickly. You will notice that there is a great amount of resistance to this motion. The faster you try and spin the motor, the more resistance you will feel. Removing the wires shorting out the motor leads will remove all of this added resistance.

The ESC does the exact same thing, shorting out the leads of the motor electrically. In order to manage the amount of braking force that is applied, the ESC must rapidly switch on/off the leads that are shorted out.

Does Regenerative Braking Occur

Can we recharge our battery as we use the Brake? As the leads of the motor are shorted by the ESC, power is in fact produced and sent back to the battery. An approximate 15-30% of the braking efforts ended up back in the battery through the test in the video above. This is not an overly impressive efficiency for charging the battery pack, however it doesn’t matter whether the process is 1% efficient or 100%, regenerative braking is still taking place.

Regenerative Braking Efficiency

What is interesting is that as more brake input is provided via the transmitter, a lesser amount of braking energy is placed back in to the battery. Braking that is done as more of a “drag brake” maximizes the efficiency using the data from the simple experiment completed in the video.

Regenerative Braking Efficiency Calculation by RCexplained on YouTube
Regenerative Braking Efficiency Calculation by RCexplained on YouTube

How is Power Generated and Pushed to the Battery?

The ESC shorting out the leads of the motor is the first part in the braking process. The core function responsible for generating the power to push in to the battery happens as the motor leads are opened and closed using the FETs (Field-Effect Transistor) on the ESC.

Back EMF is generated creating a voltage caused by the rotating motor. In turn, the motor leads are shorted by the ESC. Voltage within the windings quickly drops and approaches zero but current surges. When the FETs open the circuit, current has absolutely nowhere to go. The brushless motor windings act as an inductor which does not like any change in current. As a result, the rapid change in current causes the voltage to increase significantly. It is this increase in voltage that allows power to flow back through the circuit and into the battery pack.


Regenerative Braking does indeed occur in the ESC tested and any other ESC that uses the same principle for braking. Efficiency is not a strength within these systems, especially when a significant amount of braking force is required. Overall, the total amount of braking energy that makes its way back in to the battery is not significant. However, it is greater than zero and will extend the overall run time of an RC that uses brakes during the run.

Is that not cool or what?

Unfortunately the rest of the braking energy results in heat. Take a look at how hot the braking circuit can get when a small amount of brakes are applied.

Do Brushless Motors Require Oiling or Lubrication?

A brushless motor used in RC is actually quite simple mechanically. There are only a few moving parts in the entire assembly. Those moving parts are limited to the rotor containing the permanent magnets and the bearings that support it.

When considering lubrication, the only area that could possibly require it is the bearings, right? To understand the answer to this question, we have to get a good understanding as to how the bearings are protected. The typical bearings found in an RC motor have a shield that helps protect the bearings from foreign object debris AKA dirt. The key takeaway from this is that the bearings are not water proof and can certainly allow liquids to pass by the shield.

Cleaning the Bearings

If you happen to try and clean the bearing with a product similar to WD-40, the oil can actually pass by the shield and mix with the factory bearing lubrication ultimately leading to possible damage to the bearing. To clean the bearing, my preference is to take a dry cloth and wipe any dirt away from the visible bearing surface. I do not like to use any chemicals.

Lubricating the Bearings

The quick answer to lubricating or not is that I recommend not lubricating the bearings. First off, it’s not as simple as just placing oil on to the bearings hoping to get by the shield of the bearing. Light oils may be able to make it easily past the shield of the bearing, but do not have the required lubrication characteristics. Light oils will more than likely not be able to withstand the concentrated heat and friction created within the bearing. The oil would burn off and subject the balls within the bearing to excessive frictional loads.

To correctly complete the process the shield must be removed, the balls (whole race) must be cleaned and then a proper bearing grease must be used prior to placing the shield back on to seal the deal.

Is this Process Worth the Effort

Here is another point to make. Some may say absolutely! However, I’d prefer to spend the price of a complete new set of bearings for the front and rear of my motor. It would be far less effort to replace the bearing set. I will also feel comfortable knowing that I have a fresh set (0 hours) of bearings.

One last point to be made. Out of all the brushless motors that I have ever used, only one of my motors are in need of new bearings. However, this was a motor that also lived it’s life upside down submerged under water when the boat flipped! Here’s the story. To put this in to a different perspective, the motor was significantly abused.

Using Oil or Lubrication on your RC Car

We all know that lubrication is an important item for many mechanical systems. Lubrication simply lowers the amount of resistance between 2 moving mechanical parts or components. A lowered resistance improves premature wear by slowing this process down.

Oil or Lubricate your RC Car Parts and Components
Oil or Lubricate your RC Car Parts and Components

Common Areas for Mechanical Friction – RC Car

When looking at any RC Car, there are a lot of areas where friction can build between two or more components. Let’s find some of them.

Drivetrain Components

One of the first areas you may consider is the electric motor providing all the power. An electric motor of today has very few moving parts. The only frictional areas are within the bearings and most bearings used in RC are shielded.

Following the power all the way to the wheels leads us to the next area to consider, the meshing pinion gear and spur gear. Many pinion gears are made up of metal where the spur gear would some for of nylon. There are several spur gears that are also made up of metal in order to handle higher amounts of power. From the spur gear, you may see dog bones and drive cups used to transfer power from a center differential to a front or rear differential. The next area is the gears that are part of the differential assembly that turn power 90 degrees and then in to yet another drive shaft cup and dog bone arrangement.

Lastly, the power goes through one of the last bearings that could be found within the steering block or rear hub.

Suspension Components

There are many areas within the suspension setup that has two moving and mating parts.

Anywhere from the lower control arms to ball joints connecting upper turbuckes. In the steering linkage are many ball joints that must rotate while moving another component.

Where is the Lubricant Placed?

This is a great question! Let’s cut to the chase really quickly here. It is extremely rare that I would use lubrication on any of the components of my RC Cars. This is not to say that I have never applied lubrication to any mechanical parts on an RC car but to say that if you don’t, it’s not going to hurt your car!

Nearly every bearing that I’ve seen in an RC car is shielded and trying to lubricate it serves hardly a purpose. Very similarly, most RC brushless motors also use shielded bearings that keep debris out of the bearings increasing their life.

But Why no Lubrication or Oil?

Our RC cars are very well known for attracting the most amount of dust, dirt and debris. We also know that any type of sticky liquid certainly attracts this type of dirt and debris. Dirt and debris will certainly increase wear more prematurely then lack of lubrication.

You are more likely to break a part on your RC car prior to it failing because of wear! I have RC Cars that are over 10 years old, have 100’s of battery cycles through them and show no signs of imminent failure due to wear. I can’t tell you how many spur gears I’ve had to replace because dirt has got in to the smaller gear train (1/18 scale) and destroyed the spur gear teeth.

My recommendation is to keep the car as clean as possible and there will be little reason lubrication is required.

I’m going for Maximum Performance and Must Lubricate!

There will be the guys that are going for every drop of performance and will want to lubricate their RC. There will also be the drivers out there that just want to lubricate the components as it makes sense to them and that’s OK. I’ve got you guys covered here too!

What you need to do is use a light oil, WD40 is common (likely everyone has heard this one before) and will work. Here are the important steps to follow.

  1. Place light oil on to paper towel (or cloth) in small amounts.
  2. Use the paper towel to place the lubrication in to the key areas that you wish to hit. If you have hard to access areas try using a cotton tipped stick or similar.
  3. Wipe down any excess oil as this will not lubricate anything and simply just attract dirt.
  4. After each and every run, be certain to clean the RC car well and pay more attention to the key areas that have been lubricated

Keep in mind that any lubrication will only attract dirt. If dirt is getting in to these key areas, no amount of lubrication will slow down premature wear.

Lubricating Maintenance in an RC Car Manual

I have reviewed all the manuals for the RC vehicles that I own, even going outside of just RC Cars and none mentioned lubrication. Yes, you will see grease and silicone weighted oils used for suspension and differential tuned performance. However, no lubrication was mentioned for mechanically mated parts or components.

I’m certain this is due to the facts thaat we have discussed.

I hope this gives you some sort of idea concerning lubrication about your RC car, truck or buggy.

How to verify the C Rating of a LiPo Battery Pack

A LiPo Battery packs C rating is a very important specification on a LiPo. It represents the ability for a LiPo battery pack to provide continuous current. Although, the C rating alone does not tell you how much current you can get out of a particular LiPo. There is a calculation for this and that calculation is quite simple to perform.

The true C rating of a LiPo battery
The true C rating of a LiPo battery

Consider a LiPo battery pack has a specified maximum continuous discharge C rating of 50C and a capacity of 3000mAh. Do not confuse the C ratings of the LiPo, there can be a continuous C rating and a Maximum Peak C Rating. We only want to use a continuous C rating. Firstly, 3000mAh must get converted to Ah. 3Ah. Next take the C rating and multiple it by the capacity in amp hours. 3Ah x 50C = 150A of maximum discharge current.

The question then becomes, how do you know that the C rating specified on a battery pack is accurate and not just some buy now bait from a marketing team? Or how do you know if a battery pack is weakening with age and or wear? Let’s look at 3 ways that we can do so. After all the C rating is just an arbitrary number that manufactures identify as a safe thermal limit.

Calculate the Actual C Rating of your Battery pack

The most simplistic approach to quickly estimate the actual C rating of a battery pack is to calculate it! To make this process as simple as possible, the calculator has already been complete and is located here: The Real LiPo C Rating Calculator

In order to calculate the C rating of your battery pack, you will need to know the C rating of your pack, the capacity of your LiPo and the average internal cell resistance. The average internal cell resistance is measured using a LiPo battery charger. The other items are simply read on the label of the pack.

It is recommended to follow the procedure in order to reduce error. Information that goes in to the calculator largely effects the overall accuracy of the calculation.

LiPo Battery Specification Comparison

This last method is both simple but also not so simple. The goal for this method is to compare internal resistances of battery packs with the same C rating. Once you know the internal resistance of your pack you can compare to other packs. This is the easy part. Where it gets more difficult is finding specifications of other LiPo battery packs for you to compare against. If you have multiple packs or have used these packs previously, you may already know where the internal resistance should be at. Use this as the baseline comparison. But if you don’t?

Consider having a 5000mAh battery pack that has an average internal resistance of 3.5 milliohms. If you happen to compare your data up against other known data (yours or others) and determine that the internal resistance is 2.5 milliohms, you can draw conclusions. Having a higher internal resistance does suggest that either the C rating of the pack may be weaker than you thought, or that the battery has aged.

Use a Load to Stress Test the LiPo – Manufactures Test

This test is not one that I can recommend, however it would be what I’d expect LiPo manufactures to be completing. Or some variation of the test.

If you have access to a large power dissipation bank that can apply a load to your battery pack, this is one way you can verify discharge current. There are such units that exist on the market today specifically for our RC battery packs.

The idea is that you would take your LiPo pack and wire it to the load bank. The load bank would then be configured to load the battery pack at the specific amount of current that the test requires. What you’d want to do is load your battery pack to the specified C rating. As the battery is being discharged, temperature should be recorded. The duration of the test would last until the pack is discharged to 80% of it’s rated capacity. During this time the LiPo would have to not exceed the manufactures maximum recommended temperature. If the maximum temperature is exceeded then the LiPo could not deliver the amount of power required for the C rating specified.

Concerns with the LiPo Load Test

Not only can this test be dangerous but it also places a lot of stress on the LiPo. For these reasons alone, is why I start off by saying it’s not my recommended test to confirm C rating. a) I don’t want to cause any harm to myself when conducting such a test and b) I don’t want to harm the LiPo’s.

Load Test Alternate

Another version of this test can be completed placing less stress on the battery and also decreased safety risks. This would be testing at a lower C rating then what the battery pack is rated at. However, the difference is that the expected manufactures maximum temperature would also decrease. The expected temperature would have to be verified with the new load to be applied.

I hope these points in this article provide you with an idea as to how LiPo batteries should be tested by the manufacture. It doesn’t matter what any of these tests say about your battery pack. keep in mind that if the battery stays within temperature specifications and operates your RC’s, that is what is most important.

Keeping your LiPo within its limitations can prolong your LiPo Batteries lifespan.

Parallel or Series for a Setup using 2 LiPo Packs? (RC Cars, Airplanes, Boats)

There are many RC’s on the market that are setup in such a way to use 2 LiPo battery packs. Theoretically, you can have any RC Airplane, Car, Boat, Helicopter or Drone setup using 2 battery packs. However, it is fairly common that RC manufactures would setup higher powered vehicles in this way. In this article we break it down using 2 LiPo battery packs in a RTR setup or even your own build!

Parallel vs Series of 2 LiPo Batteries
Parallel vs Series of 2 LiPo Batteries

Why RC’s are setup with 2 LiPo Batteries?

Manufactures of RTR vehicles setup an RC in this way for a few primary reasons. Let’s take a look.

Placement of Batteries

As we have mentioned above, it’s more common to use 2 LiPo batteries in a high powered RC. Higher powered RC vehicles just by inherited nature use larger batteries to be able to pump out higher amounts of power. It is more simple to break down the 1 large battery in to 2 smaller packs. Depending on the vehicle, it may be easier to physically locate 2 smaller packs on a chassis rather than 1 larger pack.

Weight Balance

In addition, placing 2 battery packs on an RC car will allow better balance of weight. Most 2 battery rigs will have the packs placed symmetrically about the length of the vehicle. Since the battery is usually the heaviest component to be placed in to your RC, balance of it is very important.

Availability of Battery Packs

It becomes more apparent as to the availability of LiPo batteries when running an RC car or boat using a cell count of 6 or more. There are not as many 6s LiPo batteries on the market as there would be for 3s LiPo’s for example. Then consider an 8s – 12s setup and purchasing 8s – 12s LiPo’s. I have not seen one in a very long time.

Is Parallel Or Series Better for 2 Packs

There are a few advantages to both a parallel setup and a series setup. However the true answer to this question lies in the Manufactures recommendation and your personal preference. Most manufactures already have the appropriate battery harness selected. This way you can simply take your charged batteries, plug them in and run the RC.

Parallel Advantages

  • Parallel setups do not increase the wire length leading to the ESC
  • Allows smaller Capacity Batteries to be used
  • Boosts maximum continuous current output
  • Condition or Health is not as critical

Series Advantages

  • Series wiring can be achieved in many different setups (If you are trying to parallel a setup that requires 12s, this may be quite difficult as 12s packs are very rare to be sold in one pack)
  • Boosts voltage of the setup

Conclusion to Wiring 2 Battery Packs

In general, if you are using a RTR vehicle, it is best to use the batteries that were intended to run in the vehicle. However, if you are comfortable with wiring and understand wiring, you can make a change to the RTR setup! Just keep in mind that this may void any warranty or support the manufacture may offer.

When I select which wiring I want to use for my specific RC car, boat, or plane, I generally don’t look at it as a parallel vs series. My main focus is trying to match up against the batteries that I own.

Wire 2 LiPo’s Based on What Packs you Own

Batteries are expensive. They have an average life of about 3 years, even if you do not use them. There is no point to purchasing additional batteries just for a new RC vehicle when you have packs that can already work.

Consider requiring a 6s 5000mAh setup for an RC car. The first thing I do is look at what packs I already own and pull out 2 6s 2500mAh. These packs come from an RC airplane but could work very well in the 6s RC car. In this case to get to the 5000mAh that I require, I must parallel the 2 battery packs.

On the other hand if I were to already own 2 3s 5000mAh packs from an offroad 1/10 scale car, wiring would be different. In this case, using a series wire harness would achieve 6s 5000mAh.

It’s a lot more simple to decide which batteries to use when your setup starts to get up to 8s or higher. Here you are forced in to running 4-6s packs placed in to series in order to hit the higher voltage requirement.

Don’t forget to consider how many cells in series your charger can charge. This limitation may determine the path that you must take.

Parallel Wiring Quick Tips

  • Only wire packs in parallel that have the same voltage
  • It is a good idea to wire packs in parallel that are around the same age and condition (otherwise power will be split based on health of the battery where the healthier pack delivers more)
  • The C rating of a battery pack does not double, the battery capacity doubles

Series Wiring Quick Tips

  • Wire packs that both have the same capacity (mAh) and C rating
  • Packs wired in series must be around the same age and condition (Otherwise the least healthy pack will be pushed harder)